
Fish & Chips

Hello! We have received this information for the program we are going to attend on Wednesday 18th Juny. Pay attention:

Benvolgudes escoles,

Us volem recordem que els nens que vénen el dia de la gravació a plató (tant públic com concursants)  NO portin pantalons curts ni tirants. Tampoc uniformes ni xandalls de l’escola.

L’òptim és que aquell dia vesteixin:

- Texans llargs
- Vambes
-Samarreta fineta de màniga llarga o tres quarts (màniga curta en última instància).


Welcome to Rocafort Productions.

Welcome to Rocafort Productions. This is the English blog of all the students of 1st of ESO. Here you can find all our productions and all the activities we do in the ICT room. We also want to share with you some resources that can help you to improve your English.